Backstage North Shore // Dakine // 11:01

Dakine’s Backstage PIPE is a series of imagery, conversations, and perspectives you probably won’t see on a webcast anytime soon.
SURFING Magazine

‘Tis the season of the North Shore. The season when all eyes are on Hawaii and nothing else matters, when the surf industry instinctively flocks like the salmon of Capistrano (that never get’s old) and a year’s worth of pent-up hostility finds its release with every Haole Barry to make a mistake in the lineup at Pipe (Barry is the new Barney). And to the man without a sponsor house, a namesake or a Hawaiian bloodline, it’s a distant reality merely perceived through the shallow lens of a webcast. But here, compliments of Dakine, we have a backstage pass to last year’s winter on the North Shore. If this doesn’t give you enough vicarious psyche to book your ticket to the gun-show, at home with the webcast is right where you belong.