Maverick’s Wipeout Choreography: 1 Wave, 2 Scorpions (Video)
While we twiddle our thumbs and wait for the Pacific to hammer the West Coast next week — and judging by what’s been churning in the Gulf of Alaska, the Christmas/New Year break should see a solid run of surf in California — a quick trip (or stumble) down memory lane with Brad Domke and Scott Bredesen at Maverick’s.
For every legendary moment at the Half Moon Bay juggernaut there are a dozen or more ego-shattering beatdowns. Case in point, this apocalyptic wipeout from Domke and Bredesen … that’s Domke deepest with Bredesen out front. A deep cut from the Powerlines Productions vault, this particular beatdown dates back to the pre-pandemic days, when everything was a little more fast and loose.
It’s looking like Santa may show up to Northern California a day or two early. There’s a straight west swell with a decent interval targeting Maverick’s for Christmas Eve. And nothing brings the holiday cheer like a double whammy scorpion wipeout. After all sharing is caring this time of year.