Thalia Surf Presents: The Wax Ball

Industry Spy

The Wax Ball:

A monthly music showcase hosted at The Marine Room, Laguna’s oldest bar [1930s] which happens to be owned by the towns mayor. Laguna is world renowned for its artists and creativity, but the town is void of any good music. 80s night and reggae parties dominate the scene and the local surf community has been forced to head out of town for good surf rock, punk, blues, and garage. The Wax Ball, presented by Thalia Surf and sponsors, will fill this void, bringing something to Laguna Beach that hasn’t been here since the 60’s, music worth seeing, supporting, and following.

The Wax Ball will happen once a month, on the second Thursday, and will bring a refreshing and eager crowd to The Marine Room. There is literally nothing else happening in terms of music anywhere in or surrounding Laguna and we feel that Thalia Surf and our friends are the ones who can do it the best. See you there!

Date: 11/10/11
Time: 10pm
Location: The Marine Room – 214 Ocean Avenue – Laguna Beach, CA – 92651