Enjoy These Dreamy Mainland Mexico Points

In the latest episode of “Wish You Were Here,” Tanner Gudauskas, Finn McGill, Josh Mulcoy, Nathaniel Curran and more score long barrels in Mexico
Ben Waldron

Welcome to the second installment of  “Wish You Were Here,” a SURFER YouTube series. Each episode parachutes you right into the planet’s very best surf zones at their most ideal, filmed by the finest cinematographers surf has to offer, all scored to tunes taken straight off the crew’s playlist. We’re going to get you psyched to plan a surf vacation.

When a swell lit up a series of mainland Mexico point breaks earlier this year, various crews flocked to the surf zone. Finn McGill was shooting his Hot 100 profile short (which you can watch here) and his clip above are some outtakes. Sebastian Williams, Nathaniel Curran and the omnipresent right-point tube rider Josh Mulcoy scored the firing region too. It wasn’t an all regular-footer affair though, goofy Tanner Gudauskas applied his backhand torque wrench to the roping points too.

Filmed by Jimmy Wilson, Taylor Curran, Alex Kilauano and Grant Ellis

For the previous “Wish You Were Here,” featuring Panama, click here.